
Wisconsin Pizza Joint Accidentally Served Several Pizzas Laced with THC

weed pizza

About 20 miles southeast of Madison, Wisconsin, in a town called Stoughton, there’s a pizza place called Famous Yeti’s Pizza. Last week, a cook in its kitchen ran out of cooking oil. In a mad panic, he looked around to find anything he could possibly use as a substitute. He found some oil and used it to complete some pizza orders. The cook didn’t realize that the oil was infused with THC.

The THC-laced pizzas were sold to customers between October 22 and October 24. At least five people who ordered those pizzas required medical attention for being way too high. Keep in mind that stuffing THC into fatty foods like pizza can intensify its effects. This is because fats enhance the absorption of cannabinoids. That’s one of the reasons why pot brownies are such a perfect vehicle for THC absorption. It’s a delicious fatty treat that not only helps mask some of the icky flavors of marijuana behind several layers of sugar and chocolate, but all that buttery oily goodness helps intensify your high.

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Local health officials were still receiving reports from people affected by the extremely potent pizzas days after eating the pies. All of this is made even funnier by the fact that marijuana is illegal in Wisconsin. But Delta-9, a form of THC, is not. It’s a weird legal gray area. Delta-9 is essentially THC and can get you high like THC but isn’t considered illegal while marijuana is. Such is life in a nation that refuses to flatly legalize marijuana to create some sense of uniformity in our laws and understanding of the plant and its many derivatives.

The pizza joint’s co-owner, Cale Ryan, told the Wisconsin State Journal that after grabbing the wrong oil from a shared kitchen space within the building housing the restaurant, the cook went on to make a batch of dough that consisted of around 60 pizzas, all of which were contaminated. So far, he’s only heard from 20 customers who were affected. Famous Yeti’s Pizza has been temporarily closed to deep clean every square inch of the place.