For fiery, bold, and assertive Aries, here’s what you might expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout October 2024.
November begins with a new Moon in Scorpio, a water sign, increasing sensitivities and strengthening intuition. This type of water-dominated alignment can bring a cooling, calming energy to fire signs like yourself. Or it can increase feelings of being stifled or fizzled out. The difference between the two often lies in your perspective. Moreover, it depends on your ability to not let Scorpio’s moody influence get the best of you.
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Fortunately, the stars offer some celestial good fortune not long after on November 2 when your ruling planet, Mars, forms a harmonious trine with Mercury. Whatever revelations are brought to mind from the previous day’s New Moon, this trine promises clarity of mind and motivation to communicate your feelings directly, promptly, and efficiently. A Mars-Mercury trine is an incredibly potent combination. Under this alignment, making plans becomes more straightforward, and conversations increase productivity.
One day later, on November 3, your ruling planet forms two notable alignments at once. The first is a trine with the waxing crescent Moon. Typically, this signals a continuation of the previous days’ energy and vigor. However, a direct opposition between Pluto and Mars suggests that the changes you see from this action won’t necessarily be what you expected. Keep your eyes locked on the silver lining, Aries.
By November 4, Mars returns to a familiar elemental domain when it enters fiery Leo. Exactly one week later, the effects of the Moon become more tangible than ever as the waxing gibbous Moon enters your sign. This particular lunar phase tends to bring about more conflict, something that nearby Eris and Chiron retrograde only promise to aggravate. The waxing gibbous Moon calls us to consider our progress on our life path. Then, adjust according to what we find. It’s a time to take one last look back before jumping ahead.
Fortunately, your cosmic alignment suggests this period of introspection will be generally positive. On November 12, the same day the waxing gibbous Moon enters your sign, the Moon also forms a harmonious trine with Mars. Your ruling planet’s assertive, energetic influence is the perfect companion to a lunar phase that requires us to observe, plan, and act.
Emotions become a bit more tense as the full Moon in Taurus, which will reach its peak on November 15, approaches. Mars forms a square with the growing gibbous Moon, indicating potential road bumps around this time. Don’t let these minor setbacks discourage you, Aries. No path forward comes without possible surprises and mix-ups. Trying to avoid them completely is futile. It’s better to work on navigating them.
The conflicts brought up around November 15 will begin to come to a head around November 20, when Mars conjoins with the waning gibbous Moon. Consequences of the actions you took in the previous week will make their way to the surface. Try not to let this temporary discomfort scare you. Even a bit of nerves about a new situation, relationship, or reality is normal.
Your ruling planet forms a favorable but largely inactive sextile with a waning crescent Moon on November 25. This alignment is a natural progression from the month’s events. Learning to let certain things go can sometimes feel like we’re moving backward, but that’s not necessarily true. Negative beliefs or fears can act as anchors, holding us back from our true potential. Releasing them is the only true way forward.
The more you can clear out superfluous communication hang-ups, tech problems, or unanswered questions, the better. Mercury retrograde, arguably the most infamous planetary retrogrades, begins on November 26. Mercury’s proximity and its influence over communication, education, and intellect make this retrograde seem scarier than it really is.
There is a greater risk of encountering issues or setbacks with travel, education, or communication. But it’s also a fantastic time to troubleshoot. When things are going smoothly, it becomes all too easy to fall into a false sense of security. Allow Mercury retrograde to illuminate the areas in your life, particularly those having to do with how you relate to the outside world, that could use some adjusting.
These changes, no matter how small or large, promise to have a dramatic impact on your overall life path. A subsequent trine between your ruling planet and the Sun on November 27 indicates this will be a positive change that puts you at ease and increases your confidence. It’s always wise to keep your feet on the ground just a little bit to avoid floating away with an inflated ego. But there’s also merit in enjoying the rewards of your efforts now and then. You’ve done the work. You should enjoy the payoff.
Mars forms one last aspect with the Moon on November 28, and it’s a somewhat challenging square. The Moon’s waning crescent phase indicates a shift toward rest, recalibration, and recharging. So, it’s unsurprising that Mars’ go-getter attitude would find itself directly at odds with a Moon urging you to slow down. This cognitive dissonance is a helpful cosmic reminder that the universe operates in ebb and flow. To enjoy the latter, we must first allow the former to run its course.
We end the month of November with a new Moon and Sun in Sagittarius. Under this Zodiac sign’s strong moral influence, both your outward-facing ego and inner shadow self will have opportunities to confront your principles and beliefs head-on. Under the restorative cloak of a dark Moon, it will be far easier to determine what ideas are worth keeping and which ones you can toss by the wayside.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Aries! See you next month.
Illustration by Reesa. -
Illustration by Reesa -
Screenshots: Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker, GSC Game World, Red Candle Games -
Illustration by Reesa