For hard-working, steadfast, and luxurious Taurus: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of November.
November begins with a new Moon in Scorpio, an appropriately dark lunar phase for an equally shadowy Zodiac sign. As an Earth sign, the emotional whims of a water sign like Scorpio can seem superfluous and unproductive. That can be true in some cases. But there are also times when leaning into how you’re feeling is appropriate. The stars set the stage early on for you to decide which time you’re in now.
By November 3, your ruling planet, Venus, forms a direct opposition to Jupiter while also forming a harmonious trine with Chiron. With the ripple effects of November 1’s new Moon still vibrating through the Zodiac, this standoff with Jupiter seems to suggest a setback or consequence related to these heightened sensitivities. Vulnerability becomes a major player in your day-to-day life as Chiron retrograde, a dwarf planet governing our emotional soft spots, locks into a positive aspect with Venus.
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It’s not unreasonable to want to run away from pain, Taurus. Doing so is instinctive and natural. However, the stars’ alignment suggests there is a reason you’re experiencing what you are right now. Chiron dredges up old wounds, sure, but they do so in order for us to heal more completely. Allow your experience to guide you. You’ve been down this road before. You can make your way out of it again.
This intuitive energy grows on November 4, when the waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Venus. A waxing crescent Moon promotes planning, preparation, and clearer foresight. You could capitalize on this energy within Venus’ romantic and financial domains in many ways. Sit down and brainstorm a romantic couple’s getaway (or even a date night close to home), or search for and potentially make financial investments. Even if you’re not ready to act, getting your ducks in a row can help when you finally are.
Extra preparation becomes particularly useful around November 9, when Venus forms a challenging square with Neptune retrograde. Neptune retrograde, currently flying under Pisces, can be both a celestial blessing and a curse. On the one hand, this planet can expand your imagination. Neptune can open your eyes to new possibilities and ideas you might not have thought otherwise. But on the other hand, Neptune retrograde is notorious for placing rose-colored glasses on the stargazers it influences. Given the previous week’s conjunction between the Moon and Venus, the stars seem to be flashing a cosmic yield sign.
With this month’s full Moon occurring under your sign on November 15, it would be best to wait for the cards to fall where they may before playing your hand. Remember that Neptune can be as deceptive as it is clarifying, Taurus. If something is meant to be emotionally or professionally, a few extra moments to consider your decision shouldn’t be enough to dismantle your progress completely. There’s no good time to know you’ve made the wrong choice. There’s only sooner or later, and you want the former.
A direct opposition between your ruling planet and the waning gibbous Moon signals an inability or unwillingness to let go of things that no longer serve you. Be wary of taking on any new personal or professional responsibilities at this time. Despite what your stubborn streak might be trying to tell you, adding more work to your plate won’t automatically knock something else off. Knowing you and your work ethic, you’ll likely try to juggle far too many obligations for far too long before burnout finally sets in.
Rather than focusing on things you can add, the opposition between Venus and the Moon serves as a helpful opportunity to discover what you can release. Sure, this might not look as productive on paper as the alternative of piling on more work. But it will feel better internally, and frankly, that’s more important.
In the days leading up to pesky Mercury retrograde on November 26, Venus locks into a harmonious trine with a waning crescent Moon. Not yet a dark Moon but not far off, either, this lunar phase promotes a sense of emotional ending. Now is the time to tie up loose ends. Get answers to questions you’ve been rolling around in your head for weeks, and figure out if you want to stick around or move on. The decisions you make during this pre-retrograde period will inevitably affect the weeks to follow.
Once Mercury shifts backward in the final days of November, communication and technology are bound to go a little haywire. Prepare for potential miscommunications by gathering your thoughts in your head before speaking. Then, choose your words carefully. The easiest way to avoid a misunderstanding is to leave no room for doublespeak. When we leave interactions open to interpretation, there will inevitably be some degradation of the original message. Picture it like a cosmic game of telephone.
Despite its bad reputation, Mercury retrograde does have some notable benefits. Most notably, this retrograde period can help highlight ways of thinking and communicating on your end that could use some sprucing up. As Venus forms a tense square with Chiron, the dwarf planet your ruling planet shared a trine with a few weeks ago, emotions will feel raw and testy. Follow this pain a bit further than your instincts suggest. Pushing past the confines of your comfort zone can help identify the real root of your discomfort.
Finally, your ruling planet ends the month in a sextile with the new Moon under Sagittarius. A sextile isn’t the most action-packed aspect, but then again, neither is this dark lunar phase. All cosmic signs point to reflecting on what this past month has shown you. Fully processing your feelings on these matters can help you avoid some of Chiron’s bumpier obstacles in the future. Skipping this step might give you instant gratification. But you’ll only be doing your future self a disservice by doing so.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Taurus! See you next month.
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Screenshots: Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker, GSC Game World, Red Candle Games -
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Illustration by Reesa