
Gemini, November 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

Illustration by Reesa

For charismatic, adaptable, and curious Gemini: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of November.

Your November astrological forecast begins with two particularly potent celestial happenings. The first is a new Moon under Scorpio, which promises to have overarching effects across the entire Zodiac. Your ruling planet, Mercury, also forms a harmonious trine with Neptune on the first of the month. Typically, Neptune—particularly Neptune retrograde, as it flies now—can open the doors for misguidance and deception. But add clarifying Mercury to the mix, and fantasies can become reality. 

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The day after Mercury and Neptune form their fortuitous trine, your ruling planet forms the same aspect with assertive Mars. Another helpful boost of celestial good fortune, Mars’ assertive, energetic spirit helps catalyze dreams and goals crafted under Neptune retrograde. Daydreams are nice, but definitive plans are even better, Gemini. As someone who is especially susceptible to succumbing to abrupt changes and thinking that’s flexible to a fault, this stability will be particularly valuable.

Emotional motivation continues to increase as your ruling planet conjoins with a waxing crescent Moon on November 3. Then, this aspect will expand into a flirtatious but inactive sextile five days later on November 8. This lunar phase is an excellent time to plan, prepare, and ready yourself for the days ahead. With Mercury’s intellectual energy in the mix, the path forward becomes clearer. Trust your instincts as you move toward actualizing your goals. A bit of nerves when navigating uncharted territory is normal. Don’t let this hesitation automatically convince you you’re making a mistake.

The discomfort in these wobbly first steps is reinforced by a challenging square between Mercury and Saturn, which locks into place on November 12. This cosmic alignment brings up feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, particularly in areas of creative and personal expansion. Keep this in mind as you confront these negative feelings throughout this week of November. Second-guessing yourself is not uncommon, but it’s not always productive, either. The stars call for a finer balance between being appropriately careful and overly protective to the point of sabotaging your opportunities for growth.

November 13 offers an ideal opportunity to release these doubts and fears as your ruling planet forms a harmonious trine with the waxing gibbous Moon. This lunar phase calls us to reflect on our progress thus far and adjust accordingly. Are you happy with the way things are going? Try imagining what life might look like if you kept going down this same path. If that reality doesn’t appear to be one that makes you happy, then perhaps it’s time to make a change. The upside to this lunar phase, of course, is that the faster you identify an issue, the faster you can start remedying the situation. 

Although the full Moon reaches its peak brightness on November 15 under Taurus, the Moon crosses over into your celestial domain while it’s still at an incredibly vibrant gibbous phase. Emotional clarity will be at an all-time high during this time. As the Moon flies under your sign by November 16, you will have a stronger connection between your conscious and subconscious minds. Journaling, meditation, and reflection can help capitalize on this crystal-clear signal reception. 

The stars warn of trouble ahead as Mercury forms a tense opposition with expansive Jupiter on November 18. Independently, Mercury and Jupiter are incredibly conducive to education and expansion of the mind and heart. But when these energies face each other head-on, thoughts can become an incomprehensible tangle. You might feel more inclined to act without getting the full story or starting a new endeavor without laying the appropriate groundwork. Be wary of making hasty decisions during this time, Gemini. Despite what your anxiety might tell you, you have more time than you think. No one is rushing you but you. 

Fortunately, a trine between Mercury and Chiron retrograde a day later, on November 19, indicates that the clash of your ruling planet and Jupiter won’t be as painful as it could be. Any type of metamorphosis tends to bring up feelings of discomfort or nervousness as you adjust to this new reality. Chiron acts as a celestial note-taker, so to speak. It documents all the good, bad, and the ugly and stores it away for safekeeping. These experiences will help guide you through similar obstacles in the future.

Mercury forms a challenging square with a waning crescent Moon on November 24. This will be an ideal time to tie up loose ends, find answers to open questions, and resolve any interpersonal conflicts. Consider this to be a sort of emotional “battening down the hatches” ahead of the cosmic storm headed your way via Mercury retrograde on November 26. 

As one of the two Zodiac signs ruled by Mercury retrograde, you feel the effects of this infamous celestial event more tangibly than others. When direct, Mercury governs and assists in areas of communication, education, and expansion. But once this nearby planet turns retrograde, conversation grows muddy, concepts become harder to learn, and feelings of being held back or stifled will arise. Now is not the best time to take on new responsibilities or make major investments. If possible, hold on major planning until Mercury returns direct. If it’s not possible to wait, make sure you tread lightly. Making big decisions under Mercury retrograde isn’t a recipe for disaster; it just increases the chances of mishaps.

This cosmic push to hunker down and keep your cards close to your chest is further emphasized by a positive sextile between Mercury and the waning crescent Moon. Sextiles aren’t signals for great action, and neither is this shrinking lunar phase. Instead, the stars call you to pause and observe. There’s plenty to tend to without adding more chaos to your daily schedule or interpersonal relationships. 

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Gemini! See you next month.