
Leo, November 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope:

Illustration by Reesa

For fiery, friendly, and fearless Leo: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of November.

Your ruling celestial body, the Sun, begins November in conjunction with a new Moon under Scorpio. With the Sun, which governs ego, and the Moon, which governs emotions, working in tandem, the stars provide greater feelings of confidence and self-assuredness. Life paths will become clearer. Your sense of voice will become bolder. This is a time to connect with yourself outside the realm of productivity, progress, or accolades. You are more than your accomplishments, even if you have plenty to boast.

This confidence carries over into November 4 when the Sun forms a harmonious trine with Saturn retrograde. The best things in life often require the most work, even if it doesn’t always seem like it takes much effort. With Saturn continuing its backward trek through Pisces, this celestial alignment points toward handling a notable and cumbersome emotional challenge. The positive quality of this aspect points to greater healing, closure, and transformation. But be wary, Leo: sometimes healing can hurt.

The events spurred by the previous week’s trine between the Sun and Saturn retrograde demand your response by November 9 when your ruling celestial body forms a challenging square with the first-quarter Moon. This lunar phase requires a healthy dose of courage as the Moon calls us to push past obstacles and continue trying even when it gets uncomfortable or unpleasant. Significant changes are rarely a one-and-done process, Leo. It’s far more likely that you’ll return to these changes several times, perhaps even more, while you inch closer toward emotional and mental closure. 

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Fortunately, it doesn’t take long for the Sun to reach a far more positive trine with the emotional Moon. By November 11, your ruling celestial body forms this aspect with the waxing gibbous Moon. Now is the time to stop, take a breather, and assess how far you’ve come. Meditation, journaling, or seeking out the advice of a trusted loved one can help make this process less cumbersome and stressful. You’ll want a thorough idea of what’s going on with your emotions ahead of this month’s full Moon. Don’t skimp this part.

November’s Beaver Moon under Taurus directly opposes the Sun under Scorpio on November 15. The full Moon in Taurus encourages stability and security ahead of the colder months to come, but its opposition to the Sun suggests you’re not quite ready to settle down. It’s up to you to figure out if this trepidation is due to an actual problem or merely your pride getting in the way of your life path. There’s no shame in looking for more solid ground to stand on. No one is asking you to prove your worth by constantly undergoing trials by fire, Leo. Heading toward smoother waters isn’t the sign of weakness that you think it is. 

A direct opposition between the Sun and the Moon exacerbates this attitude shift on November 17. As Uranus calls you away from your usual routine and into the unknown, the stars offer a promising proposition. If you’re insistent on proving your adaptability skills to others, why not use this experience as a chance to do so again? Learning how to settle down might not feel the same as walking a tightrope in front of an anxious crowd. But if you think about it, you’re kind of proving the same thing.

The Sun forms two harmonious trines on November 19 and 20 with Neptune and a waning gibbous Moon, respectively. The first aspect amps up imagination and wishful thinking. This cosmic alignment encourages you to lean into your loftiest ambitions. As the old saying goes, shoot for the Moon; even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Consider ways forward without the constricting parameters of social or personal expectations. If these guidelines were no issue, what might you decide to do then?

The following aspect, a trine between the Sun and waning gibbous Moon, offers a chance to reevaluate your beliefs and values before your ruling celestial body enters highly principled Sagittarius’ celestial territory. Sagittarius will create greater urgency around the concepts of self-improvement. But without an idea of what needs fixing, this motivation to improve grows scattered and ineffective. Even a small amount of planning can go a long way, Leo. Allow the waning gibbous Moon’s organizational spirit to collect your thoughts, observe your progress along your life path, and make a decision from there.

The Sun makes its crossover into Sagittarius on November 21. A fellow fire-dominated sign, Sagittarius’ influence often enhances principles, morals, and values. This aspirational sign tends to be susceptible to feelings of restlessness, which might manifest as impatience or anxiety within you. Despite what your inner voice might tell you, you have far more time than you realize. The more you rush yourself through these experiences, the more likely you will make a hasty mistake. Allow Sagittarius’ motivation to encourage you, but don’t let it overwhelm you.

Reacquainting yourself with your values and beliefs will prove especially beneficial after Mercury goes retrograde on November 26. When you don’t know where you stand in an argument (or even something more innocuous, like a regular conversation), the way you communicate can become hazy and ill-defined. You are the only person who can make your mind up. Taking inspiration or guidance from others is one thing. Letting others color your perception of the outside world, others, or yourself is another thing entirely.

Fortunately, a trine between your ruling celestial body and Mars on November 27 should help offset most of Mercury retrograde’s chaos. But be careful, Leo. The Sun-Mars trine is a potent, fiery alignment that can be used for positive and negative change. When wielded properly, this alignment can help spark great transformation and growth. Left to its own devices, this spark can turn into a raging, bridge-burning fire.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Leo! See you next month.