For empathetic, romantic, and creative Libra: what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout November.
November begins with a new Moon in Scorpio, promoting a stronger connection to our intuition and inner emotional state. As someone who typically defaults to adopting or counterbalancing the emotions of those around you, this is an excellent time to recalibrate your own feelings. The start of the month can foster a sense of rebirth and fresh starts, which seems to be exactly what your shadow self needs.
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The aftermath of this reflective period comes to a head a couple of days later when your ruling planet, Venus, forms two corresponding aspects. The first is a harmonious trine with Chiron, the dwarf planet that governs our emotional “soft spots.” And the second is a direct opposition to Jupiter retrograde. When retrograde, Jupiter makes us question everything we previously thought we knew. Ideas, values, and opinions become destabilized, forcing us to support our arguments or let them go.
The positive aspect between Venus and Chiron on November 3 suggests a willingness to examine old wounds. Follow this feeling while it’s here. Motivation to look closely at pain is not easy to come by. Under the influence of Jupiter retrograde, the link between our emotional and financial endeavors and our past experiences becomes clearer. It’s up to you to decide whether the relationship is a positive one, Libra.
Be wary of a false sense of security provided by a Venus-Moon conjunction the following day. The waxing crescent Moon is a hopeful one, pushing us toward actualizing goals that came to fruition in the previous days’ dark Moon. However, as your ruling planet inches closer toward a square with Neptune retrograde that locks into place on November 9, you’ll become more susceptible to overly wishful thinking.
Neptune opens our hearts and minds to possibilities we might have overlooked under the rule of a different celestial figure. However, not all of these possibilities are always feasible or positive. A challenging aspect between this planet and Venus increases the potential for insecurity, self-doubt, or dysmorphic thinking. Try to maintain as objective of a perspective as possible during this time. You mustn’t underestimate your ego’s ability to make mountains out of molehills.
Varying aspects with the waxing gibbous Moon from November 12 to 14 will bring about a few ups and downs as you navigate this path. Don’t let one experience influence your opinion of another. Valleys will eventually make way for peaks, and conversely, peaks will inevitably turn downward. The Moon’s transit from Pisces to Aries only exacerbates these internal feelings of sudden directional shifts.
In times of immense change, maintaining a steadfast innermost environment becomes critical. A full Moon in Taurus on November 15 calls us to address our home lives and closest relationships. Discord in these intimate connections can easily permeate into more distant situations and conflicts, creating a self-perpetuating cycle as this external strife bounces back and worsens situations at home. Venus’ simultaneous placement in Capricorn helps focus your emotional energy toward your home life.
By November 18, your ruling planet forms a direct opposition with the waning gibbous Moon. This lunar phase promotes greater conflict as it calls us to analyze our progress and actions thus far. Is where we’re headed where we want to go? If not, now is the time to make a change. The waning gibbous Moon flies through Cancer during this challenging aspect, heightening emotional clarity and sensitivity. “Ignorance is bliss” will no longer be a viable excuse once you discover these inner findings.
On November 24 and 25, the waning crescent Moon’s influence over your sign becomes more tangible as it crosses into your celestial domain and forms an auspicious trine with your ruling planet all at once. Sometimes, the best way to comprehend a situation or relationship fully is by removing yourself from it. During this time, taking a step back to examine the bigger picture can be helpful in finding the best path forward. Even a small shift in perspective can reveal tremendous insights if you’re willing to see them.
Having a better vision for your life path and connection to your emotional well-being will make the transition into Mercury retrograde, which begins November 26, a smidge easier. This infamous celestial period opens the door for communication breakdowns, technology errors, and travel mishaps. Speaking thoughtfully and working slowly can help alleviate tensions during this shift, particularly for those who might be celebrating the holidays with friends and family around this time.
An important lesson to absorb this month is that not everything that you take personally is personal. Situations will arise in the final days of November to hammer this point home. You can either exhaust and offend yourself pushing back against this idea. Or you can accept it as the fact that it is. Consider times when you’ve let your emotions from one interaction seep into another. Perhaps the greater sign of empathetic strength is knowing when there isn’t a problem versus identifying when there is.
Venus and Chiron form a tense square on November 28, bringing up old hurt and discomfort. Vulnerably looking at these experiences is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, doing so helps direct you to a place of healing and forgiveness. On the other hand, this exercise often creates emotions you never previously had, especially regret that comes with hindsight and the mournful grief over your past self. While it might not feel like it in the moment, the former benefit far outweighs the latter’s downsides. But the only way you can truly appreciate that, Libra, is by moving forward in spite of your trepidations.
The square between your ruling planet and Chiron will be taxing. Fortunately, the stars gently nudge you to rest and reflect as Venus closes the month in a favorable sextile with the nearly new Moon. Locking into place on November 29, this inactive but positive alignment encourages you to give these new ideas, beliefs, and feelings time to settle in. You won’t fully grasp your sense of self post-conflict until you give yourself time to acclimate completely.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Libra! See you next month.
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Illustration by Reesa -
Illustration by Reesa