For dynamic, mysterious, and intuitive Scorpio: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of November.
All cosmic signs are pointing toward tremendous change ahead for you, Scorpio. November begins with a new Moon in your celestial domain, sowing the seeds for the garden that’s to come. This lunar placement coincides with a sextile between Mercury and your ruling planet, Pluto, under your sign and Capricorn. Capricorn’s influence over foundational aspects of our life suggests that the transformation ahead will dramatically impact your home life and close relationships.
Of course, these parts of our lives are often the ones we feel the least comfortable changing. A direct opposition between your ruling planet and Mars indicates potential pushback or hesitations on your part. This is a normal reaction. Feeling nervous to go into unfamiliar territory is a natural, understandable reaction. Don’t be so quick to perceive these butterflies in your stomach as a sign of a mistake. Whether your decision is positive or negative in the long run, the preceding feelings will likely be the same.
The first celestial push toward actualizing your goals occurs on November 9 when your ruling planet conjoins with a waxing crescent Moon. This lunar phase is a hopeful, motivational one, revealing ways to break down large problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Your journey toward personal growth and expansion will be a long one. The success you seek won’t occur overnight. In fact, you likely won’t be able to truly appreciate how much progress you’ve made until you’re much further down the road. Allow this fact to inspire you, not discourage you. You’re doing better than you think. That’s a good thing.
Periods of significant transformation can become easier to navigate when we stabilize other parts of our lives. Juggling multiple conflicts at once is obviously more challenging than tackling one major obligation at a time. The full Moon in Taurus on November 15 presents an ideal opportunity to figure out what you need to feel safe and secure in your closest relationships and innermost environment. Adopting new routines, delegating duties to other household members, and tying up loose communicative ends with close loved ones can all help steady the ship as you steadily head toward choppy waters.
This might seem like a big ask, but the stars have positive predictions for you ahead. The following day, on November 16, your ruling planet forms a harmonious trine with the nearly full Moon, suggesting a successful recalibration of the most steadfast parts of your life. While this isn’t an invitation to not put forth your best effort, this is a celestial reassurance that this task is not as unconquerable as it might feel.
The work you do toward regulating your inner environments in the first half of the month will help you better absorb and experience your ruling planet’s transition from Capricorn to Aquarius. This departure marks the final time your ruling planet will be in Capricorn for the rest of your lifetime. As Aquarius ushers in a new era of creativity, expansion, and innovation, expect tremendous shifts in the years ahead. Pluto leaves Capricorn for the last time (from our Earthly perspective) on November 19.
This planetary transition coincides with an opposition between Pluto and the waning gibbous Moon. Discord between these two celestial bodies is understandable. The former is on the cusp of change that’s been centuries in the making, and the latter is a routine return to release, departure, and ending. Nervousness, anxiety, and self-doubt are all typical side effects of this cosmic occurrence. Give these feelings ample room to breathe, especially around November 20, but remember they aren’t concrete. This discomfort, no matter how painfully tangible, will pass before you realize it’s gone.
Your ruling planet forms a beneficial trine with the shrinking Moon the day before Mercury goes retrograde on November 26. Before the Mercurial chaos begins, take some time to acclimate to the idea of new perspectives and beliefs in the days to come. We might commonly associate Mercury retrograde with its increased likelihood of mishaps and errors, but this period also offers us a chance to learn and redirect. It’s far easier to practice navigating problems when there actually are problems to work through.
Feelings of indignation will try to creep through your carefully maintained facade around November 28. During this time, a waning crescent Moon enters Scorpio and forms a challenging square with your ruling planet all at once. Consider putting off making major commitments or having tough conversations during this time. A brief delay shouldn’t be enough to derail your progress. And if it is, perhaps that’s a cosmic sign that you were already headed in the wrong direction. As tempting as it might be to act when things feel hot, you are far more likely to make an appropriate and beneficial decision when emotions are cooler and calmer.
Simply put, November ushers in a series of substantial changes for you, Scorpio. Adjusting to these new ideas and realities will take time, just like adjusting to your previous ones. Time can often muddy the waters, blurring our memories of past experiences. You’ve handled change like this before. Time has merely modified the scale and severity of these problems in your mind’s eye. Back then, things seemed just as overwhelming and frightening. And you made it through then. So, why wouldn’t you now?
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A sextile between your ruling planet and the new Moon closes out the month on November 30. The new Moon is the least active, most introspective phase of the lunar life cycle. A stagnant but pleasant aspect like this promotes reflection and absorption with no predefined goals. If you don’t give yourself adequate time to process the events of this past month, you’re liable to repeat mistakes before the year’s end. Don’t let all those learned experiences become for naught, Scorpio. The wisdom we gain from previous errors is one of the greatest silver lining these challenges have to offer. Why waste it?
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Scorpio! See you next month.
Savannah Sly, dominatrix and co-founder of sex-worker vote mobilization group, EPA United. -
Illustration by Reesa. -
Illustration by Reesa. -
Illustration by Reesa