For charismatic, moral, and curious Sagittarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of November.
Every planetary and celestial alignment in your astrological forecast will inevitably be covered by your ruling planet, Jupiter, which remains retrograde throughout the entire month of November. When direct, your ruling planet promotes expansion, education, and good fortune. When retrograde, these concepts become destabilized and introspective. Questions of what it means to be and feel successful will arise. Preconceived ideas and beliefs will be challenged. This is a test of strength, not a punishment.
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November ushers in two different oppositions for your ruling planet. The first is between Jupiter and Venus, and the second is between Jupiter and the waxing crescent Moon on November 3 and 4, respectively. Jupiter and Venus’ standoff will likely conjure feelings of stagnancy in areas of emotional or financial investments. These periods of inactivity manifest as a sort of metaphorical crossroads. Is the reward of returning to these pursuits worth the effort needed to get the ball rolling again? If not, then perhaps these feelings of inactivity are serving as a green light, guiding you on to something new.
The first-quarter Moon forms an auspicious trine with your ruling planet under Aquarius and Jupiter on November 9. This particular lunar phase calls us to be brave as we begin to put our money, emotions, or sense of self where our mouth is. It’s one thing to talk the talk, Sagittarius. Walking the walk is another concept entirely. As the Moon and Jupiter lock into their trine, the stars offer a much-needed boost of celestial encouragement to back up your thoughts and words with tangible actions.
As the waxing Moon transits into fiery Aries, going with the flow becomes more difficult. A challenging square between Jupiter and the Moon on November 11 will increase interpersonal tension and the chances of speaking out of turn. Keep a close eye on your emotions during this time. As a fellow fire sign, you can be particularly susceptible to letting your temper get the best of you. Be wary of saying or doing anything under the control of your temper that your cooler self would regret.
The temptation to lash out or push others away often stems from a fear of instability or abandonment within our innermost environments. A full Moon in Taurus on November 15 brings security and stability to the forefront of our collective conscience. The concept of “settling down” has never appealed to you, someone who thrives on the rush of chasing down aspirations. But without a reliable support system grounding you to Earth, you’re liable to be carried away by these lofty ambitions. It’s far easier to make these changes now than when you’re floating in the breeze at the whim of the universe.
A conjunction between the waning gibbous Moon and your ruling planet on November 17 once again shifts your emotional focus to stability. What ideas, relationships, or endeavors have been rocking the boat more than the others? Which have seemed more steadfast and even-keeled? This cosmic conjunction urges you to focus on the latter elements, solidifying these concepts into sturdy stepping stones that can get you from one level of personal evolution to the next. There is certainly a chance that even these stabilizing ideas will one day become the chaotic counterpart. But for now, focus on what and who has been consistent from day one. This is the solid ground on which to build your foundation, Sagittarius.
On November 18, Jupiter forms yet another celestial standoff—this time, with Mercury. Mercury is the celestial communicator. This nearby planet governs how we connect to others, express ourselves, and learn from both experiences. Its direct opposition to Jupiter retrograde, a planet busy tearing down and rebuilding our ideas, beliefs, and values, suggests a clash between what we want to be true and actual reality. Don’t let your pride convince you that you’re immune to being wrong. The quicker you accept that you have some rethinking to do, the faster you can start and move on. Holding onto old ideas just because you’re embarrassed to admit you had them serves no other purpose than to hold you back.
Jupiter forms a tense square with the waning crescent Moon under Gemini and Virgo, respectively, just before Mercury retrograde. This challenging aspect between an air and Earth sign indicates internal conflict and opposing values. Simply saying you’ve changed your mind about something isn’t necessarily enough action to facilitate the transformative process. Jupiter retrograde might be urging you to take on new ideas. But even more crucially, it’s calling you to let go of old ones.
Mercury retrograde begins November 26, bringing with it a heightened chance of communicative breakdowns and technological errors. Putting off major decisions and commitments during this time can help avoid significant stress, although this certainly can’t always be avoided. If you must make crucial decisions like these, give yourself ample time to deliberate. Mercury retrograde and hastiness are a dangerous combination. Putting off these obligations until the last minute can become a recipe for disaster if you’re not careful, Sagittarius. Slow and steady wins the race in the final days of November.
A trine between your ruling planet and the waning crescent Moon coincides with the beginning of Mercury retrograde. This is an optimistic cosmic signal. Indeed, Mercury might come with its fair share of shake-ups and errors. But the positive aspect between your expansive and educational ruling planet and the sentimental Moon indicates a sense of emotional maturity that will make navigating potential pitfalls much easier. Be careful of others’ energy during this time.
Your ruling planet might be contributing to a calmer, more stable sense of self. But that doesn’t mean everyone’s feeling that way. Sometimes, the most unstable people gravitate towards those who seem to have it the most together. Offer a helping hand if you’d like. Just keep a close eye on their intentions while you do so.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Sagittarius! See you next month.
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Illustration by Reesa -
Illustration by Reesa