Helldivers 2 is the perfect package, a fact that’s undisputed. Arrowhead came up with the best version of “blowing stuff up with your friends” in all its Democracy-spreading glory! So, it only makes sense Helldivers 2 would surprise everyone with its latest 01.001.201 patch! Since there’s a lot to go over, I won’t hold you any longer! Check out everything being addressed in the patch down below!
‘Helldivers 2’ 01.001.201 Balancing tweaks
Videos by VICE
- Shield Generator Relay
- Increased lifetime from 30 to 40 sec
Primary Weapons
- SG-8P Punisher Plasma
- In response to popular Helldiver demand, General Brasch has issued an administrative order to revert the production changes made to the SG-8P Punisher Plasma (from Patch 01.001.104)
- We have reverted the latest changes so the SG-8P Punisher Plasma will now have a more noticeable arc in its projectile path, starting off slower and maintaining speed longer. This will affect its recoil, fire rate, and projectile behavior
- To further improve its effectiveness, the magazine capacity has increased from 8 to 10
- In response to popular Helldiver demand, General Brasch has issued an administrative order to revert the production changes made to the SG-8P Punisher Plasma (from Patch 01.001.104)
‘helldivers 2’ Fixes
Resolved Top Priority issues:
- Fixed an issue where encounters would not end and enemy spawning was turned off for the rest of the mission
- Fixed a bug where the hive breaker drill would become inaccessible when called in
- Fixed an issue where terminals would lose functionality preventing completion of a mission
- Dead bodies of Chargers no longer launch Helldivers into the air
- Supply packs are no longer used when pressing the d-pad down button whilst calling in a stratagem
- QWERTY keyboard numpad bindings now save correctly after the game restarts
- The Service Technician is no longer mourning the death of her beloved pet goldfish “Goldie” and can now be interacted with again. Goldie received a dignified funeral and was laid to rest gracefully in a waste capsule, ejected towards the nearest planets atmosphere where the friction between the air and the capsule caused it to heat up, violently explode, and disintegrate
- Fixed an issue so that other players can now join a lobby via Quickplay after any member of a 4-player party leaves
- Fixed an issue where the social menu was stuck on ‘Please Wait Democratically’ for some players
- Friends “Invite only” games can no longer be seen on the Galactic War Map and cannot be joined
- Fixed an issue where uninvited friends could join Invite-Only games via the Social Menu
- Invite-only lobbies are no longer shown in the hologram
patch 01.001.201 tweaks (part 2)
Crashes & Soft Locks:
- Fixed a crash on Difficulty 1 (Trivial) when approaching certain bug holes
- Fixed a potential soft-lock when abandoning the mission with the squad while fighting bugs
- Fixed Geological Survey mission soft-locking when players joined/left the mission
- Fixed a soft-lock that could occur if you hot-joined a game in mission summary and all peers left
- Fixed a rare crash while browsing the Armory or the Warbond store
- Fixed a crash that could happen when fog was destroyed
- Fixed a rare crash related to Flamethrowers and Gas weapons
- Fixed a crash when repeatedly entering and leaving the tutorial
- Fixed an issue where the Nuke Nursery could not be progressed if two players called down the drill at the same time
- Resolved an issue where opening the menu while the Emote wheel was active would prevent players from moving
- Fixed the Nuke Nursery terminals sometimes not being interactable
Helldiver Fixes:
- Fixed an issue causing excessive ragdolling when diving or crawling on uneven terrain
- We’re currently working on further solutions to address the ragdolling issues
‘helldivers 2’ Weapons & Stratagems fixes
- Fixed stim pistol incorrectly affecting the STIMS USED statistic in the mission end screen
- Fixed dead corpses setting off the rockets from the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher
- Fixed an issue with the stratagem cooldown that allowed players to call down multiple resupplies or Hellbombs at the same time
- Fixed an issue where switching to holding a grenade and picking up an artillery shell at the same time caused the artillery shell to become stuck in the Helldivers hands
- The LAS-5 Scythe scope is now fully operational and can zoom in and out correctly
- Empty expendable weapons cannot be picked up nor holstered anymore
- The AR-23A Liberator Carbine now has the 0.5 sec shorter reload duration properly implemented, from 3 to 2.5 sec. It also has the correct magazine unit
- The MG-43 Machine Gun now has the 0.5 sec shorter reload duration properly implemented
- We mistakenly wrote that it was lowered from 4 to 3.5 sec when in reality we lowered it from 5 to 4.5 sec
- Fixed a missing mesh for the P-11 Stim Pistol’s syringes
- Disabled the gas confusion effect on the Impaler due to odd behavior with its tentacles
- Fixed an issue where the Impaler tentacles would sometimes not impact its target
- Adjusted Shriekers pathing in tight spaces. They should now prefer to move around tall obstacles instead of trying to fly over them
‘helldivers 2’ Missions & Difficulties
- Fixed Nuke Nursery drills getting dropped on top of bug corpses
- Lowered the amount of Retrieve Data objectives spawning on the mission for Automatons to match the amount that spawns for the Terminids
- The Escape Pod objective will now appear on difficulties 1-2 instead of 2-3
- The Terminid eggs on Purge Hatcheries objectives are now tagged as objectives with correct VO and icons
- Fixed an issue with Hellpods landing deep underground on edges of Bug Nurseries during the ‘Nuke Nurseries’ missions
Social Issues & Galactic War Map:
- Resolved an issue in the Blocked Players tab where attempting to add a player via the search functionality would incorrectly indicate that the user was blocked
- Can no longer join blocked players via the Galactic War hologram
- Resolved an issue that allowed blocked players to continue speaking in voice chat
- Fixed Emote, Drop and Comms wheel mouse sensitivity not being applied
- PC players can now use left click to select radial menu options in the Emote and Comms radial menus
- Resolved an issue where the maximum number of friends displayed in the social panel was limited to 100
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the friend request widget from popping up
- Fixed the display of sender names for session invitations that were not showing properly when multiple invites were received at the same time
- Emotes can no longer be triggered while airborne, ragdolling or sliding. We are monitoring this change and appreciate your feedback for it!
- Fixed multiple issues in the social system and improved its reliability

additional patch 01.001.201 fixes
- Added information in the loadout boosters menu screen showing which player has equipped what specific booster
- Fixed an issue where unbound key/button bindings would stay unbound and not revert back to what they were by default
- Fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes join the wrong friend when joining during a social menu refresh
- Disabled the third-person player camera while navigating the map
- Decreased the chances of player clients from attempting to join lobbies that are already full when using Quickplay
- Fixed an issue where the host’s player Title was incorrectly assigned to Helldivers who joined their session
- Fixed an issue where changing the stamina width in the settings during a mission would not properly resize its frame
- Fixed a case where carriables could no longer be picked up if they were picked up and dropped on the same frame
- Fixed an issue of not being able to pick a new first stratagem if it had already been selected
- Fixed Helldiver character customizations resetting after closing the game
- Fixed an issue where certain Asian language characters were displayed as question marks in the Major order texts and briefings
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect platform icon was shown when opening the report popup
- Fixed missing “-” character in multi-line texts
- Fixed a bug with camera getting disjointed if entering ADS (Aim Down Sights) as you ragdoll
additional fixes (part 2)
- Lowered the resolution of planets when space quality is set to Low and introduced a Medium space quality setting that matches the previous Low setting
- Light intensity slightly reduced during the Fire Tornado weather effect
- Fixed an issue where the visual appearance of the Stratagem Hero minigame terminal’s arrows lost their colors if a player moved too far away from the terminal
- Fixed dispatches sometimes showing as question marks for non-Latin language characters
- Fixed an issue where encounters would still attempt to spawn even after being disabled due to reaching certain spawn limits
- Fixed an issue where scrolling messages would move the camera
- Fixed several issues related to Booster descriptions
- Planets are now properly sorted behind effects like the aurora in the sky during missions
- Fixed an issue where the crash reporter sometimes wouldn’t show up
- General Brasch and Jane Helldiver to award Patriotic Medal for Excellence in Patriotism to the members of the Freedom Alliance. Due to budget cuts, these brave Helldivers will receive an extra 3 seconds of R&R which has now been used reading this note. Get back to work Helldivers
- General performance optimizations
- Cubemap, reflections och rendering performance improvements
Screenshot: Square Enix -
Screenshot: 2K -
Screenshot: Sega -
Screenshot: Sony Interactive Entertainment