This girl’s first date was pretty shitty.
Recently, a girl named Rachel Paige (@raepaige on TikTok) shared a video where she recalled a pretty…unique date she went on.
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The dinner started out pretty normal. First, the two shared fajitas and margaritas before heading back to the guy’s place to watch a movie. That’s when things took a turn for the worse.
“We get to his house and he takes me to his room. I sit on his bed, and then he immediately goes into the bathroom,” Rachel said. “No big deal, whatever. If you gotta go potty, you gotta go potty.”
Sure, that’s fair. The only problem?
“He didn’t close the door,” Rachel continued. “He pulled down his pants, and sat on the toilet.”
At first, Rachel tried not to judge the situation too harshly.
“I’m thinking maybe he sits when he pees,” she said. “That’s fine, I don’t judge, I don’t care.”
“He’s sitting there for a minute, and I’m like, ‘What are you doing?’ And he’s like, ‘I’m pooping,’” she explained. “Who does that?!”
This TikTok went viral, with hundreds of comments and over 200,000 views poking fun at the strange behavior.
“This is a hate crime,” one person wrote.
“Y’all went from dating to married REAL fast,” another joked.
Another added, “Awe he’s just showing you his inner child.”
It’s All Shits and Giggles
This man—despite his shitty manners—was apparently quite the charmer, as Rachel decided to stay for the rest of the date.
In a follow-up video, she even stated that she had been “gaslighting” herself into thinking the situation wasn’t a big deal, while he was acting as though it was completely normal behavior.
“He goes, ‘I know this might be weird, but I just feel really comfortable around you,’” she said, noting that she found this statement to be endearing. So endearing, in fact, that she even went on a second—and third—date with him.
While they quickly made it past the pooping stage—one that some married couples never partake in—it seems things didn’t work out after the following few dates. Well, that stinks.
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Photo by Instagram / Zelig Williams