
Joyful Portraits of Queer Elders

batrani queer cool

This article originally appeared on VICE Germany.

Photographer Zejna Halilbašič doesn’t like the idea of getting old. Until recently, she imagined it like this: “You go to bed at 7PM every day, you sit around at home and watch TV,” she says. “If you’ve decided against the ‘marriage, house and a dog’ life, you become invisible to society.”

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Then she met Mahide Lein, Joaquin La Habana Reyes, Marcel Kündl and Geerd Bittner – four queer ageing people who refuse to give up their identity and lifestyle just because they’re getting older. Instead, they live their lives fully and joyfully, staying true to themselves whatever their age. In her photo series, Halilbašič portrays these colourful characters in everyday situations in their homes.

Lein, 73, used to run a club. Now in her signature soft mohawk and a black jumpsuit, she looks more like a superhero than an old lady on her way to a tea party.

Cuban-born La Habana Reyes, 70, is a dancer. In the 90s, he made a living in New York as a gender-fluid performer – he looked like a woman on half of his face, and a man on the other.

The photos portraying Kündl, 56, and Bittner, 72, focus on their hobby of puppy play – AKA role-playing as dog and master. They live together in the west of Berlin in a tiny house with a huge garden. Their place is only 24 square metres, but it’s big enough for the two of them. The couple likes to share their garden with other puppy play enthusiasts by hosting puppy play parties.

Meeting these people changed something for Halilbašič. “I find it beautiful and reassuring that there are many facets of growing older,” she says. “Not all elderly people wear beige: Being old can be colourful, just like my photos. These pictures are taking away my fear of ageing – now I know you can be old and hopeful.”

Scroll down to see the pictures:

Queer ageing – two photos of a woman with a white soft mohawk, wearing a black denim jumpsuit, a belt with a large world-shaped buckle and a big geode pendent necklace. Left: black and white close-up. Right: woman pictured in her home, with lots of decorations on the walls, holding an action figure of herself.
“When you get old, you’re finally more open and comfortable about age. You have nothing to lose – you can even have some fun with it,” says Lein. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – close-up of the woman's crotch while she is sitting on a leopard-print blanket thrown over a couch.
Mahide Lein, former club owner and LGBTQ+ activist. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – two pictures of a man with glasses, long hair, short and kinky on top of his head, long and braided at the bottom. Left: wearing white shirt and pants and a yellow and orange scarf tied around his waist, plus many colourful beaded bracelets. Right: man outside, wearing a colourful shirt and beaded necklaces, enjoying a ray of sunshine on his face.
“I’m very proud of my age. I like to show people how wonderful it is to be an older person full of life,” says La Habana Reyes. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – man pictured from behind while holding a yellow flower growing in his garden.
La Habana Reyes was married three times – twice to a woman and once to a man. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – left: a shrine in tones of gold, with statues of a deity's face, a black baby doll, three decorative fans and other shiny and colourful objects. Right: man sitting next to framed pictures of family members and holding a small photo of two young children.
La Habana Reyes’s flat is full of momentos to his home country and his family. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – black and white photos. Left: two men wearing the same korean collar shirt and the same puppy mask, decorated with studs. Right: tall man standing next to a bush in a garden with a small house and a shed in the background. On the walls, there are some small potted plants hanging.
“I like being me!” says Kündl (left) and Bittner (right). Photo: Zejna Halilbašič
Queer ageing – man wearing a puppy mask posing behind a bush with sharp pointed leaves.
Kündl and Bittner like to host puppy play garden parties. Photo: Zejna Halilbašič