(Photo by DAVID GRAY/AFP via Getty Images) Foul-Smelling ‘Fatbergs’ Are Invading Sydney Beaches
The Fatbergs washing up on the beaches of Sydney were made up of all sorts of horrors.
Ziyinzhuangyang tablets via FDA Illegal Erectile Dysfunction Pill Could Have Deadly Side Effects
Ziyinzhuangyang tablets contain undeclaried sildenafil, a prescription-only drug found in Viagra.
(Photo by LUIS ROBAYO/AFP via Getty Images) -
(Photo via chengwaidefeng / Getty Images) -
{Photo by Robert Michael/picture alliance via Getty Images) Australia Has Some of the Highest Skin Cancer Rates. More Diversity Might Be Changing That.
Increasing ethnic diversity and indoor lifestyles among younger Australians are contributing to declining skin cancer rates.
Betty White, courtesy Oakvale Wildlife Park. Australian Man Pleads Guilty to Feeding Beloved ‘Betty White’ Chicken to Gator
A man faces jail for feeding a beloved chicken named Betty White to an alligator at an Australian wildlife park.
Gary Cole as Lumbergh in Office Space. “Right to Disconnect” Law Means You Can Legally Ignore Your Boss
As for this idea coming to the United States, never say never.