Melanie A. Davis is a musician, radio tech, DJ for her local NPR affiliate station, and writer based in West Kentucky. Her penchant for all things mystical led her to write horoscopes after years of covering wellness, beauty, culture, and politics.

Melanie A. Davis is a musician, radio tech, DJ for her local NPR affiliate station, and writer based in West Kentucky. Her penchant for all things mystical led her to write horoscopes after years of covering wellness, beauty, culture, and politics.
A trine between Mercury and Neptune retrograde calls us to nurture our imagination and dreams under the new Moon in Scorpio.
A direct opposition between Mercury and Uranus retrograde ramps up the festive, spooky energy with jump-scare surprises and shake-ups.
A conjunction between the waning crescent Moon and Makemake calls us to reconnect with our environment, physical or otherwise.
Multiple celestial alignments throughout the week highlight the need for balance and change.
The cosmos continues its theme of lunar standoffs with a direct opposition between the Moon and Neptune retrograde in Pisces.
An opposition between the waning crescent Moon and Saturn retrograde challenges our idea of the benefits of control.