Photo by andresr You Can Finally Get Your Money Back When Airlines Cancel Your Flight
Gone are the days where travelers have to fight to be reimbursed in cash when their flights are canceled or delayed.
Hisayo Yamazaki stabds next to the puppets outside her house in the village of Ichinono. (Photo by Philip FONG / AFP) An Aging Japanese Village Put Life-Sized Dolls Everywhere to Feel More Alive
In rural Japan’s Ichinono village, elderly residents combat loneliness by creating life-sized dolls that sit, swing, and cycle through their near-empty streets.
A rocketeer fires up another giant burning missile to fire at a church on the Greek island of Vrontados Why Are These Greek Villagers Firing Thousands of Rockets at Each Other?
In our brand new film, Rocket War, Vrontados descends into ritualistic anarchy.